
At Silver Fox Jewelry, our pendants can be simply delicate or a powerful statement. Either way we have the perfect piece for you!

Showing 1 - 3 of 161
Rainbow Moonstone Oval Sterling Pendant
Rainbow Moonstone Oval Sterling Pendant
Rainbow Moonstone is known for it's "flash," and this one has great color! Oval stone in sterling silver setting. Total pendant length is approximately 1.5"
Nugent Ethiopian Opal Sterling Pendant
Nugent Ethiopian Opal Sterling Pendant
This magical tumbled Ethiopian Opal pendant is hand made in sterling silver. With great fire, this stone is approximately 13mm long.
Blue Topaz & Opal Sterling Pendant
Blue Topaz & Opal Sterling Pendant
This dainty sterling silver pendant features an oval Blue Topaz that highlights the gorgeous teardrop Ethiopian Opal. This Opal has primarily green fire with hints of gold and coral. Simply stunning. Total length is approximately 1 1/8"